No experience? Here's what to put on your SEEK Profile to showcase yourself - SEEK Career Advice

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No experience? Here's what to put on your SEEK Profile

No experience? Here's what to put on your SEEK Profile

Staring blankly at the screen and wondering what to write? Clenching your fists with frustration at the absence of an impressive and extensive list of experience? Hold it right there. Just because you’re pursuing your first job, or changing industries or role titles, doesn’t mean your SEEK Profile has to go bare. Here’s how to plump it up and impress employers every time.

Call out your transferable skills
Often employers care more about the fact that you have the skills to do the job rather than that you’ve actually done the job itself. So focus on the transferable skills you’ve picked up while doing other jobs, volunteering or working on passion projects. Many chefs, for example, have had a great deal of success transferring into IT roles, says Patrick Lane, Senior Consultant at Absolute IT. “They tend to be organised, able to multi-task effectively, be deadline and outcome-driven and not afraid of hard work.”

Got any of these skills?

  • Leadership skills
  • Goal setting
  • Data entry or office administration
  • Taking and giving instructions
  • Operating equipment, technology or software
  • Forward-thinking

Be sure to include these skills in the Skills and Education section of your SEEK Profile, and provide examples of how and when you used these skills. For example, noting that “my ability to give instructions enabled our team to finish a major project/assignment two weeks before deadline” or “through strong leadership and collaboration, I empowered junior teammates to take ownership of their training schedule” will resonate with prospective employers more powerfully than a simple list.

You should also add any volunteer experience to the Career history section of your profile, so employers get a sense of the organisations and companies you’ve worked with.

Make mention of your positive attitude.
“Ever wondered why so many job ads list a can-do attitude as one of the role requirements? That’s because it applies to all jobs! Hiring managers are hiring for attitude,” says Liz Duncan, Recruitment Manager for UniSuper. “In entry-level roles, hiring managers are looking for candidates with a desire to learn, a strong work ethic and good interpersonal skills. The rest can be taught, but a great attitude is gold.”

Use the Personal summary area of your profile to call out:

  • Passion and enthusiasm for the industry you’re looking to get into
  • That your positive attitude always prevails in the face of adversity
  • And, how it leads to positive action

Employers recognise and respect that it’s about attitude and willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve goals.

Tell prospective employers what you want!
Even with limited work experience, your SEEK Profile should still detail the type of work you’d like to do. Completing all parts of the About your next role section means that a prospective employer knows that you, for example, are only interested in full-time work in Brisbane. Also, include in this section:

  • The industry you would like to work in
  • How soon you can commence work, for example, 2 weeks, or 12+ weeks

This part of your SEEK Profile gives employers the fullest picture of you as an enthusiastic candidate, ready for their next opportunity.

No experience? No worries! Your SEEK Profile can glow no matter where you’re at in your career.